AAP: Minister, 97, among 109 arrested at port blockade
More than 100 climate protesters will face court, including a 97-year-old minister of religion, following a weekend blockade at Port of Newcastle.
This protest, beginning on Saturday morning, involved groups paddling into the shipping lane servicing the world’s largest coal port and demanding for the government stop allowing new coal projects, tax fossil fuel export profits at 75 per cent to fund community and industrial transition, and pay for climate loss and damage.
As the organised finishing time for the protest passed, groups remained in the water, resulting in a total of 109 arrests – 49 men, 60 women and five juvenile demonstrators. All have been charged with operating a vessel so as to interfere with others’ use of waters.
Read moreCity Hub: Police under fire after charging legal observers at climate change protest
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL) has called on police to withdraw their charges against legal observers during a climate change protest in Newcastle over the weekend.
Volunteers known as Legal Observers actively participate in protests to safeguard the rights of demonstrators and enhance police accountability. Although they can be invited to attend protests, Legal Observers operate independently and refrain from involvement in the protest itself or decisions related to its course.
Designated as Human Rights Defenders by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Legal Observers engage in tasks such as distributing information cards, educating individuals about their legal rights, and documenting interactions through note-taking, photography, or videography.
During the recent weekend climate protest, organised by climate change activist organization, Rising Tide, Legal Observers were easily identifiable in pink high-visibility vests bearing the words "Legal Observer" in prominent black letters and openly communicated their presence and role to the police. Despite this, they faced charges for doing nothing further than what was within their role as Legal Observers.
This incident is not the first instance of Legal Observers being arrested while fulfilling their duties during protests.
Read morePedestrian: More Than 100 Climate Change Protestors Have Been Arrested Under ‘Draconian’ NSW Laws
Climate protestors took to the waters of Newcastle Port on Saturday morning for a 32-hour rally orchestrated by the climate change activist organization Rising Tide. This protest had been prearranged, and the group had been granted permission by the police to occupy the waters until 4 pm on Sunday.
Activists aimed to stop the departure of coal exports from the city and bring attention to their demands including stopping approval for new coal projects, a 75% tax on profits from fossil fuel exports, and allocated funds for addressing climate loss and damage.
However, on Monday morning, law enforcement disclosed that they had apprehended 109 individuals, comprising 49 men, 60 women, and five minors, for remaining in the water beyond the 4 pm deadline.
Organisations including the NSW Council for Civil Liberties are calling on New South Wales Police to drop these charges.
Read moreMedia Statement: Joint Submission with Muslim Women Australia on Forced Marriage
The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (“the Council”) and Muslim Women Australia (“MWA”) have filed a joint submission into the New South Wales Review of Legal Protections against Forced Marriage.
Read moreMedia Statement: S.93Z Amendments Should Be Referred to the Standing Issues Committee
The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties has consistently raised our concerns with respect to the proposed Crimes Amendment (Prosecution of Certain Offences) Bill 2023 (“the Bill”). We refer to our previous press release issued on 23 and 28 November 2023 on this issue.
We are aware that the Bill passed the Legislative Assembly last night and that the Opposition sought to have the DPP remain as a safeguard, as well as including police officers only of the rank of an Inspector be authorised to prosecute offences pursuant to s. 93Z of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).
We are also aware that the Greens sought to introduce a statutory review period of twelve months and that the Bill should be referred to the Standing Committee on Social issues.
We remain opposed to the removal of the DPP as a safeguard and remain concerned that there is a push for legislative amendments to be rammed through parliament without proper consideration, scrutiny and consultation by the Minns Government.
Read moreMedia Statement: We need a royal commission into immigration detention
The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties supports the campaign for a Royal Commission into
Immigration Detention – including onshore and offshore detention on Nauru and Papua New Guinea.
The campaign for a Royal Commission into Immigration Detention is being launched at Parliament
House in Canberra on Tuesday 28 November 2023, hosted by Kylea Tink, Member for North Sydney.
Media Statement: S93z amendments should be referred to the standing issues committee
The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties has consistently raised our concerns with respect to
the proposed Crimes Amendment (Prosecution of Certain Offences) Bill 2023. We note our previous
press release issued on 23 November 2023 on this issue.
The Guardian: Rights groups condemn ‘police repression’ at ‘peaceful’ pro-Palestine rally in Sydney
Protesters who participated in a pro-Palestine rally in Sydney on Tuesday night, forcibly dispersed by the police, are challenging the assertion made by New South Wales Premier Chris Minns that the police response was reasonable.
Twenty-three individuals were arrested and charged by NSW police during the protest at Port Botany, which targeted the unloading of a ship owned by the Israeli company ZIM, known for its support of the Israeli government in its conflict with Hamas in Gaza. The organizers, Palestine Justice Movement Sydney and Unionists for Palestine, along with civil rights groups, criticized the police for their handling of the situation. Riot squad and mounted officers were deployed to forcibly disperse the crowds, including children.
Read moreLetter to NSW Police Commissioner about NSW Police Treatment of Legal Observers
Open Letter to the Police Commissioner from Lydia Shelly
I write in my capacity as the President of the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (the Council), one of Australia’s leading human rights and civil liberties organisations. This is an open letter addressing concerns about the treatment of independent Legal Observers by the New South Wales Police (NSW Police) during a recent climate change protest in Newcastle.
The Council, founded in 1963, is a non-political, non-religious, and non-sectarian organisation dedicated to championing the rights of all to express their views and beliefs without suppression. We hold Non-Government Organisation status in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, as per resolution 2006/221 (21 July 2006).
At the climate change protest on Sunday, November 26, 2023, in Newcastle, several Legal Observers were charged for activities that were within their role as Legal Observers. These individuals were easily identifiable by wearing pink high-visibility jackets with "Legal Observers" written across the vest in large black letters. Furthermore, the arrested Legal Observers informed the police of their independent role and function at the protest.
Read moreMedia Statement: Police Must Withdraw Charges against Legal Observers
We are concerned that New South Wales (NSW) police have arrested several Legal Observers at the recent climate change protest that occurred on Sunday, November 25, 2023.
Legal Observers attend protests, usually as volunteers, to protect the rights of those protesting and to improve police accountability. Their hands-on tasks include handing out information cards, briefing people about their legal rights, taking notes and photographs, and video recording interactions. Volunteer Legal Observers are recognized as Human Rights Defenders by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and, as such, fall under the protection of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders.
The Declaration of the Right to Protest, which we recently endorsed, recognizes the important role of Legal Observers and calls for their protection. Their role and importance do not diminish or extinguish even if a protest is declared “unlawful.”
The Legal Observers at the recent climate change protest were clearly identifiable in pink hi-vis vests with “Legal Observers” written on them. They informed NSW police of their role at the protest.
Read moreThe Guardian: Fears tough new hate speech powers for NSW police could have ‘chilling effect’ on public debate
In response to escalating tensions surrounding the conflict in Gaza, a legislative reform has been introduced to the New South Wales parliament, granting the police the authority to bring charges for threats and incitement to violence based on race and religion. Premier Chris Minns, emphasizing the need for robust hate speech laws, announced the change after a prompt review of existing legislation, stating that such laws should possess substantial enforcement capabilities.
However, the proposed reform has faced criticism from prominent legal figures who argue that safeguards are crucial, expressing concerns that the changes could potentially "open the floodgates for controversial speech to be investigated."
Under the current system, police are required to obtain approval from the director of public prosecutions (DPP) before charging individuals for making threats or inciting violence. The proposed amendment seeks to bypass the DPP, entrusting the power directly to the police.
Read moreYahoo!news: Israel-Palestine tensions prompt change to 'hate' laws
The hate speech laws in NSW are set for a revision to address concerns about the rising threats of violence amid ongoing tensions related to the Gaza conflict. The current legislation, which criminalizes public threats or incitement of violence based on factors such as race, religion, or sexual orientation, is deemed ineffective in deterring such behavior, according to the state government.
On Tuesday, the Labor party introduced a bill to parliament aiming to eliminate a procedural hurdle in the criminal sanctions. Currently, the Director of Public Prosecutions must approve a case before it can proceed. The proposed changes seek to empower NSW Police to independently prosecute the offense without requiring additional approval. Individuals found guilty of this crime could face a maximum penalty of up to three years imprisonment and an $11,000 fine.
Read moreStatement from the Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney Branch
The Maritime Union of Australia Sydney Branch is aware of the wilful complicity of the corporate mass media and conservative politicians – both within the Coalition and the ALP – in attacking the motives and actions of peaceful demonstrators who have been campaigning for justice, peace and a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine over many weeks.
For more than a month now this has taken the form of suggesting through thinly veiled subtext that anyone supporting the plight of murdered, injured and displaced Palestinians is somehow deserving of condemnation.
Read moreNSWCCL Statement on the School Srike: Young People Should Be Supported to Exercise Free Speech and Expression
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties stands with High School students who plan to strike on Friday 24 November.
The extraordinary criticism of High School students and University students engaging in their democratic right to build peaceful coalitions and movements of young people does not detract from the fact that students have a right to engage in protests. The CCL affirms the rights of the public, especially young people, to exercise their right to protest free from political intimidation and criticism.
Read moreNSWCCL Statement: NSW cannot be prosecuted into social cohesion
We are deeply concerned that the Minns Labor Government has signalled their intention to remove the Director of Public Prosecution (“the DPP”) as a safeguard to prosecuting individuals pursuant to section 93Z of the Crimes Act 1900 in response to lobbyists from faith-based organisations.
We stand by our previous statements regarding the right for all Australians to enjoy their religious freedoms, as well as their right to not hold any religious beliefs at all.
Read moreJoint Statement: Civil Rights Groups Condemn Police Repression of Port Botany Rally
NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Human Rights Law Centre and Australian Democracy Network
are deeply concerned about the heavy-handed police repression of a peaceful protest near
Port Botany yesterday evening.
The protest, organised by Unionists for Palestine, consisted of a group of about 400, with
children and elderly people in attendance, making speeches and marching. Police did not allow
the protest to march on the road and instead directed it onto a roadside path leading to Sirius
Rd near the entrance of Port Botany. No vehicles were attempting to enter via this road during
this time.
When the protest paused near this driveway and protestors were peacefully sitting on the
ground, police issued move on orders and began arresting attendees. Legal observers and
others on the scene did not witness a reason being given for the move on orders.
NSWCCL: The Right to Protest must be protected
NSW Council for Civil Liberties was born out of a protest movement in 1963 and we continue to honour the legacy of the Council’s members who fought against police brutality and for equal rights. Our proud history is built around grassroots action.
Today, we proudly stand beside over sixty civil liberty and human rights organisations that have endorsed the “Declaration of our Right to Protest” which has been developed by the Human Rights Law Centre and in consultation with activists and advocates from around the country.
Sign the petition here.
Read moreSydney Criminal Lawyers: Expanding the Offence of Hate Speech Will Unjustifiably Impede Free Speech
This week the NSW government revealed its consideration of a revision to hate speech laws. The existing criminalization of hate speech, implemented in 2018, has not led to a single conviction, which Premier Chris Minns sees it as a flaw in the legislation.
The issue of hate speech has gained prominence in recent weeks due to the aftermath of the extensive massacre of over 11,000 Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli state. The Israeli government's intentions have been condemned, while Western allies observe without intervention.
This concern was brought to light when an antisemitic chant briefly broke out during a pro-Palestinian rally at the Sydney Opera House on October 9. The rally aimed to protest the premier's decision to project the Israeli flag onto the building in commemoration of the October 7 killing of over 1,300 Israelis by Hamas.
Read moreSubmission: Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill 2023
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has made a submission to the Duty of Care Bill (Climate Change Amendment - Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity Bill 2023) inquiry.
Australia’s climate change framework currently leaves the Commonwealth unable to properly manage the development of emissions intensive activities. We need decision makers to be compelled to consider the health and wellbeing of current and future children when determining what is acceptable.
We are making our submissions on this Bill on the same day as the “School Students 4 Climate Strike” and are proud to endorse and support the voices of young people on this issue. The Council supports this Bill, and we urge the Commonwealth Government to support it as well.
Read moreMedia Statement: We owe our children a viable future
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has made a submission to the Duty of Care Bill (Climate Change Amendment - Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity Bill 2023) inquiry.
Australia’s climate change framework currently leaves the Commonwealth unable to properly manage the development of emissions intensive activities. We need decision makers to be compelled to consider the health and wellbeing of current and future children when determining what is acceptable.
We are making our submissions on this Bill on the same day as the “School Students 4 Climate Strike” and are proud to endorse and support the voices of young people on this issue. The Council supports this Bill, and we urge the Commonwealth Government to support it as well.
Read more