record prison numbers are shameful premier, and no achievement

Thursday, 13 January 2005 NSWCCL media release: 1/2005


NSW CCL President, Mr Cameron Murphy today condemned the NSW Premier on the massive increase in the NSW prison population. 

The increase showed that the inmate population had risen dramatically since Mr Carr had been in office – from 6,169 to 9,048.

Mr Murphy said: 

"Bob Carr should hang his head in shame - this is the largest increase in the NSW prison population since the arrival of the First Fleet". 

"The prison population has almost doubled under his term – and this is the direct result of his draconian sentencing package and ridiculous bail laws". 

"This increase has clearly been caused by longer sentences and a reduction in the ability to achieve bail. In most cases there is no valid or sensible reason for people to be incarcerated for so long." 

"He has effectively turned New South Wales into a police state". 

"The Premier must stop building more prisons and urgently pour resources back into crime prevention and rehabilitation programs". 

"It is a shocking indictment that this Premier has seen fit to announce these figures as some sort of ‘Government achievement’, rather than looking to humane solutions to this problem." 

"The primary task of any government should be to prevent crime and reduce the prison population, not to take pride in its increase".

For more information contact: 
Cameron Murphy, NSWCCL President, 0411 769 769