xerox workers strike against satellite surveillance

Wednesday, 22 September 2004 NSWCCL media release: 9/2004


Over 100 Xerox technicians are on indefinite strike this morning in protest at management demands they agree to being tracked through their working day via Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. The workers, who repair Xerox photocopiers and other equipment in offices around the city, are incensed at the proposal. 

NSW Council for Civil Liberties President Cameron Murphy said: 

"This is a gross invasion of workers personal privacy – it amounts to spying by employers." 

"Workers should be able to get on with their work without being harassed in this way." 

"All this will do is break down the important trust relationship in the workplace."

Australian Services Union state President Sally McManus has labelled the demand “an outrage” 

"We need a guarantee from management that their proposal to track their employees via satellite is off the agenda permanently. Nothing less will suffice."

The Xerox workers will be holding a mass meeting today in Western Sydney to plan an industrial campaign against the proposal. 

For more information call: 

Cameron Murphy, NSWCCL President, 0411 769 769 

Phil Davey 0414 867 188.