know your rights: asio, the police and you - a rights and responsibilities booklet for when asio come knocking at your door

Monday, 26 July 2004 NSWCCL media release: 6/2004


NSWCCL has worked in partnership with the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network towards their extremely successful publication of "ASIO, the Police and You"

The booklet will be launched at 1:00pm on Monday 26th July 2004 at NSW Parliament House by His Honour Mr Justice John Dowd of the NSW Supreme Court. 

The booklet attempts to answer general questions about Australia's anti-terrorism legislation and how it affects citizens Australian. It is also intended to explain what to do if you are contacted by ASIO or the Australian Federal Police in regards to a terrorism offence. 

NSWCCL President, Mr Cameron Murphy, said: -- 

“This booklet is designed to provide basic information to all Australians about their rights and responsibilities should ASIO come knocking at their door." 

"It provides basic advice by posing a series of questions and then answering them for people in a constructive and informative manner." 

"While produced by the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network, the booklet is designed for use for all Australians." 

"Since the government passed its anti-terrorism laws many people have been wondering about what to do, and what their rights are if they are visited by ASIO or the police. Most people don't even know who the banned terrorist organisations are that they should keep away from." 

"This booklet will fill that gap by informing people about their responsibilities and rights." 

"Every Australian household should download a copy of the free booklet and keep it for ready reference."

A related article can be found at: 

For further information contact: 
Cameron Murphy, NSWCCL President: 0411 769 769 
Dr Waleed Kadous, AMCRAN: 0403 440 586