Alex Greenwich MP’s equality bills that would reduce faith-based discrimination in schools, remove the current requirement for a person to have a surgical procedure to update the sex on their birth certificate, and give courts the power to issue a parentage order for children born out of commercial surrogacy outside of NSW has been delayed yet again.
This morning the Legislative Assembly passed a Bill extension motion moved by Sydney MP Alex Greenwich to prevent this important legislation from lapsing. We understand that the Bills will now not be considered until October. We call on the Premier to explain this unreasonable delay which in practice means that these important reforms are still not in place to recognise and protect the LGBTIQA+ community.
Comments from Josh Pallas, Past President, NSW Council for Civil Liberties
“Alex Greenwich’s equality legislation has been years in the making. New South Wales is falling further behind other states and territories when it comes to LGBTQI+ rights. This additional delay is cruel and unacceptable.
We hear rhetoric from this government claiming there is strong support for the LGBTQI+ community, but the government’s inaction speaks louder than words.
We know that there is discrimination today faced by non-binary people, bisexual people and sex workers that would not be allowed if these bills were passed. Young people, who should be protected by the law face judgement and discrimination that could not occur if this legislation was passed.
This delay is a further slap in the face to the LGBTQI+ community, especially in light of the NSW Government’s recent ‘apology’ to people who faced conviction and discrimination under successive laws criminalising homosexual acts. I was at the apology, and it was clear that the LGBTQI+ community expects stronger action from this government. Today’s actions by the government speak volumes.”