The New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL) wholeheartedly supports the establishment of a Truth and Justice Commission to address injustices suffered by First Nations Peoples in Australia. The proposed Bill, currently before a Parliamentary Inquiry, represents a crucial step towards implementing the Uluru Statement from the Heart—a document NSWCCL endorses in full.
The Truth and Justice Commission, as outlined in the Bill, will have investigative powers to examine historic and ongoing injustices experienced by First Nations Peoples. Its primary aim is to provide recommendations to Parliament based on truth-telling about Australia's colonial history, paving the way for national reconciliation.
Comments from Lydia Shelly, President, NSW Council for Civil Liberties
"At its heart, this Bill is about human rights. First Nations people have the right to self-determination and the ability to control their futures.”
“Australia must do more to address our deplorable record on Closing the Gap. Despite years of pledges to improve outcomes for First Nations Peoples in health, education, and socio-economic opportunities, progress has been slow, and many targets remain unmet. The Commission’s work will help uncover the root causes of these systemic failures and highlight the lasting impacts of colonisation on First Nations communities.”
“Opposing the establishment of a Truth and Justice commission flies in the face of our obligations under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). We must implement some form of structured consultation with First Nations communities to comply with our responsibilities under the UNDRIP and human rights law more generally. The Truth and Justice Commission is a critical first step in this process, reinforcing the right of First Nations Peoples to be heard and to influence decisions that affect their lives.”
“The Commission’s work will shed light on the historical trauma and injustices that continue to affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities today, helping to address the profound impacts on the social, economic, and cultural well-being of First Peoples.”
“The NSWCCL calls on Parliament to pass this Bill, which will help Australia take a meaningful step towards justice, healing, and a reconciled future for all.”
Read more about the inquiry here.