Misinformation and disinformation in political advertising is a widespread problem in Australia. We think, that NSW should have truth in political advertising laws for NSW state elections and believe that such laws would enhance the integrity and transparency of the electoral system. Misleading political advertising can cause serious societal harms including:
- the erosion of trust in democratic processes;
- the weakening of trust between and among public and private entities;
- the weakening legitimacy of the social contract between voters and elected representatives; and
- the undermining of an informed populace.
In our submission to Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (Committee) regarding the administration of the 2023 NSW state election and other matters. We express views in respect of:
- political donations from property developers, including through shell companies and charities;
- truth in political advertising;
- the timeliness of political donation disclosures; and
- electoral participation and enfranchisement, particularly regarding imprisoned persons and people living with disability.
Read our submission here.
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