Protest Action: No New Coal and Gas Repeal the Anti-Protest Laws

The new Labor government in NSW is taking power at a crucial time, with the fate of the world’s climate hanging in the balance.

When: 12pm, Monday June 5
Where: Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park North
What: March to NSW Parliament House

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that urgent action to drastically reduce emissions is required to avoid catastrophic climate change. This means an immediate end to the expansion of the fossil fuel industry and a rapid transition to sustainable industries for workers and communities currently reliant on fossil fuels.

But the Labor government is currently supporting continued expansion of fossil fuels, including backing the Santos Pilliga (Narrabri) gas project. This project, and many others, requires attacking the rights of First Nations people, with the NSW government currently backing hostile court action by Santos to over-ride Gomeroi Native Title rights.

Labor is also continuing to support draconian anti-protest laws which can result in jail time for peaceful protest. This is squarely aimed at stopping climate activism, and is having a chilling effect on all movements for democracy and social justice.

The defeat of the NSW Liberals must mean real change. Join climate activists, students, trade unionists, First Nations people, civil liberties groups, farmers and many others this World Environment Day to demand urgent action on the climate crisis and an end to the anti-protest laws.

Organised by the Sydney Climate Coalition

Rally endorsements include: Australia
Amnesty International Australia
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC)
Australian Youth Climate Coalition
CFMEU Construction & General NSW
ETU NSW & ACT Branch, Electrical Trades Union
Extinction Rebellion Sydney
Extinction Rebellion Drummers
Greens NSW
Independent Education Union of Australia NSW / ACT Branch
Lock The Gate Alliance
Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch
Move Beyond Coal
NTEU New South Wales
Nature Conservation Council of NSW
NSW Council for Civil Liberties
NSW Teachers Federation
School Strike 4 Climate
Socialist Alliance
Solidarity Sydney
Stop Adani
Sydney Knitting Nannas And Friends
Wage Peace - Disrupt War
Water for Rivers