Policy: 1994 Brief


Community Protection Bill 1994 (AGM. 26.10.94)
That the NSW CCL strenuously opposes this legislation.


(1994 AGM. 26.10.94)
The NSW CCL expresses grave concern at the Capital Punishment Referendum Bill, 1994. We reiterate our stated policy of total opposition to capital punishment and affirm that this Bill is in conflict with Australia's obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Further, we oppose the notion of a referendum to decide the issue, believing that it is the business of Parliament to make laws. We call on all members of the NSW Parliament to oppose this legislation.


Gender Studies (AGM. 26.10.94)
That the Council for Civil Liberties calls on the Department of School Education to develop and implement a component of the curriculum on the social and cultural constructions of gender within a framework of Gender Studies.


Living Wills (AGM. 26.10.94)
The Council for Civil Liberties supports the need to legalise living wills/ advance directives, and to have them centrally registered on a national computer database for access by families, significant others, and doctors.


(AGM. 26.10.94)
This meeting expresses concern that the NSW Department of Health is permitting the rights of organ donors, as provided for in the Human Tissue Act (NSW), 1993, to be overridden by the wishes of relatives. The meeting requests the Department of Health to maintain the rights of the individual organ donor as provided in the Human Tissue Act (NSW) 1994.


Sexually explicit material (CM. 24.8.94)
That NSWCCL promote the use of the terms: sexually explicit material, and violent sexually explicit material (whichever is appropriate for the material being discussed at the time) when referring to material that the public/media etc describe as "pornography".