Policy: 1978 Brief


AGM. 28.10.78.

"Residents of Wallaga Lake (an Aboriginal community on the south coast) claim that

  1. they belong to or at least are descended from the Yuin people;
  2. some natural sites nearby are sacred in the traditional beliefs and practices of the people;
  3. some of these sacred sites are being disturbed by or threatened by disturbance from forestry operations.

Accordingly an issue of civil liberties arises if a threat to the right of the Yuin people to practice their religion and live according to their traditional ways free from unreasonable interruption is established, the CCL calls upon the NSW Government to establish a suitable forum for the early investigation of this and other Aboriginal land claims in New South Wales."


CM. 29.3.78.

That the Special Branch (of the New South Wales Police Force) be abolished.

That the Council for Civil Liberties consider there should be a form of judicial enquiry into Special Branch records and operation.


CM. 25.1.78.

The Council for Civil Liberties is opposed to the extension to criminal activities, including those relating to marijuana, of phone tapping with or without the authority of the Attorney-General. "The Council for Civil Liberties reendorses its general policy on bugging devices as stated in the Policy Decision of the Committee Meeting of the 17th September 1969."


AGM. 28.10.78.

"While acknowledging the right of the Crown Law Authorities to find an ex-officio Bill of Indictment, it is the view of the CCL that such a step should never have been taken in the circumstances surrounding the Barton Case. The Bartons have already been subjected to two lengthy committal proceedings over a period in excess of 18 months. In the first proceedings the Magistrate would not commit them for trial. In the second proceedings the Magistrate, after finding a prima facie case, heard evidence from the Bartons, but prior to his determination as to whether they should stand trial, it was announced on behalf of the Crown Law Authorities that the informations would be withdrawn and that an ex-officio indictment would be presented against them and others in the Supreme Court in respect of yet a third set of charges. The presentation of an indictment in these circumstances is not in accordance with the sense of justice that one should expect to find in the Crown Law Authorities."


AGM. 28.10.78.

"The CCL calls on the Senate Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs to recommend substantial changes to the Freedom of Information Bill, 1978, which has been referred to that Committee for its consideration. It is the view of the CCL that the Bill requires major amendment if 'it is to provide members of the public with genuine access to government decisions that affect them in their everyday lives, but which are currently withheld from them."


AGM. 28.10.78.

"That a survey of employer and union attitudes towards lesbian and male homosexual workers should be considered and that a working group of Council for Civil Liberties members be set up to consider whether this might be undertaken by the CCL."


Letter from President of Council of Civil Liberties quoted "Civil Liberty" (June 1978)

Re Noel Latham: This Council recognises and abhors the hardship and indeed plain injustice of what has happened in Broken Hill; because these events have taken place in that town, Mr. Latham is now effectively denied work in his home town.


AGM. 28.10.78.

"The CCL recognises the right of a terminally ill patient to decide the time and method of death."