General Meeting (June 1976).
That the Federal Government be requested to consider the introduction of an 'X' Certificate to permit adults to see adult films uncut.
AGM. 23.10.76.
'That the Council for Civil Liberties is strongly opposed to the proposed legislation by the New South Wales Government compelling medical practitioners and others to report suspected cases of child abuse.'
CM. 13.10.76.
The Council for Civil Liberties considers the right of an illegitimate child to access to its natural parents to be an issue of civil liberty.
CM. 25.2.76.
The Council for Civil Liberties supports the Australian Journalist's Association and the Country Press Association in their demands for open government in local Councils.
The Council for Civil Liberties opposes any moves to impose censorship on the proceedings of Local Councils and believes generally that Council Committees and subcommittees should be open to the press and public.
CM. 29.9.76.
The compulsory medical insurance does not comprise an issue of civil liberties.
AGM. 23.10.76.
'That the Council for Civil Liberties is opposed to the building of further maximum security gaols and in particular to the building of the new maximum security gaol at Silverwater.'
CM. 26.1.76.
The Justices Act should be amended so that persons who appeal to the District Court from a decision of a Magistrate should not be required to enter into a recognisance in order to prosecute their appeal.
CM. 15.12.76.
That the Council for Civil Liberties requests both State and Federal Ministers for Industrial Relations to consider prohibiting questions on application forms for employers seeking to elicit information about applicants relative to the applicant's religious beliefs, or affiliations, political beliefs or affiliations, sexual preferences or practice or past Police records.
Resolved that a draft letter on this subject be sent to newspapers. (CM. 30.8.76).
The letter included the following: 'The Council for Civil Liberties standard in this matter is that there should be no interference with the right of an adult to pursue his own path, even to his own detriment, provided that it does no damage to others . . . the Council urges that marijuana be removed from the list of proscribed drugs. In the interim, we hope that the Courts will temper law-enforcement with common sense, and refrain from imposing jail sentences on individuals found in possession of the drug.'
CM. 15.12.76.
That the Council for Civil Liberties write to the Attorney- General pointing out the practical problems of persons in custody opposing bail and strongly urging the Attorney-General to immediately issue a direction to Station Sergeants, Clerks of Petty Sessions and Gaol Governors authorising them to accept bank cheques, Government cheques and private cheques, where appropriate, together with certificates of fitness to enable sureties without cash to secure the release of persons admitted to bail.