NSWCCL is looking for a person with legal qualifications to work with its executive and committee on priority civil liberties and human rights issues. Closing date for applications is Wednesday 25th April 2018.
This is a new position created to strengthen our capacity to respond to an increasing volume of challenges to civil liberties and rights in Australia. It will be an exciting and challenging position.
The focus of this position will be advocacy work around priority civil liberties issues. This will include: research and analysis of issues; preparing advice on matters before state and federal parliaments; formal submissions to parliamentary and other inquiries; organising and participating in public forums; arguing our case in the media and professional forums and, increasingly, though social media. It could also involve developing and running campaigns and special projects.
As NSWCCL’s work is largely done by volunteers, the person will be working closely with relevant committee and executive members and will need to be collaborative, highly motivated and able to set and manage priorities across multiple tasks.
Much of the work we do must be done within externally established timeframes to be useful.
For more detail see our advertisement and position description below.