MEDIA STATEMENT: NSW Anti-Protest Crackdown at Rising Tide Deeply Concerning Civil Liberties Experts Say

Yesterday, in Newcastle 170 people were arrested for protesting the fossil fuel industry at Rising Tide’s Blockade of the Newcastle Coal Port. This extraordinary number of people were arrested under NSW draconian anti-protest laws. 

Quotes attributable to Timothy Roberts, President NSWCCL

“The right to protest is fundamental in a democracy and this government’s efforts to stop protests and criminalise and demonise protestors at all costs should be of deep concern to all.

“The NSW Government continues to pass draconian anti-protest laws which have given police immense powers, this weekend we have witnessed the police use those powers against 170 people, including children, who were exercising their democratic rights. 

“Our civil rights are best defended through their active use and our right to protest is only as strong as people are prepared to use it. Those arrested this weekend were taking a stand against the fossil fuel industry AND against NSW draconian anti-protest laws. 

“Where to deploy police resources is a decision for the NSW government and the police. They have chosen to use these resources against peaceful protestors in defence of the fossil fuel industry. 

“Paddling a kayak in the Port of Newcastle is not an offence, people do it every day safely without hundreds of police officers. A decision was made to protect the safe passage of the vessels over the protection of people exercising their democratic rights to protest. 

“We are living in extraordinary times. Our democracy will not irrevocably be damaged in one foul swoop - it will be a slow bleed, a death by a thousand tranches of repressive legislation, and by thousands of arrests of people standing up in defence of their civil liberties.