New Straits Times: Australia agrees to release full report on Double Six air tragedy

The Australian government has agreed to release the full findings of the Double Six tragedy where a Nomad N-22B aircraft crashed and killed 11 people in 1976.

Australia's Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Sydney yesterday decided to allow the release in its entirety of Australia's reports on the tragedy. This followed a request made to National Archives of Australia (NAA) by the former Sabah chief minister Tan Sri Harris Mohd Salleh.

This request was made through Messr Jayasuriya Kah & Co, who sought the help of NSWCCL treasurer Stephen Blanks of SBA Lawyers and Tom Brennan SC of 13 Wentworth Chambers to file the application in May last year.

"The whole secrecy issue (and the reason for the media interest) was driven by the fact that the people killed in the accident included the Chief Minister of the State of Sabah and six members of his cabinet; my client was the deputy chief minister who deboarded the plane shortly before takeoff, and then became Chief Minister.  He was the victim of conspiracy insinuations ever since and the report clears his reputation absolutely." Stephen Blanks said.

For more information, read the full article