NSWCCL joins the rest of the country in a united sigh of relief as the New South Wales
Parliament passes the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill. NSWCCL has campaigned for the passing
voluntary assisted dying since 1990.
The Bill, put forward by the Independent MP Alex Greenwich, permits those with a terminal
illness to nominate when and how they will die. The passing of this Bill represents
compassionate state acknowledgment that the right to choose when and how one may die is a
private and individual decision that should not be restricted by parliamentary intervention or
prohibition. The legalisation of safe and regulated access to euthanasia will provide those who
wish to die with the reassurance that their passing will be conducted carefully by professionals
and in a peaceful matter where they may be surrounded by their loved ones.
Access to voluntary assisted dying is limited only to those who are over 18 and will die from a
terminal illness within six months or within twelve months for those diagnosed with a
neurodegenerative condition that can cause immense suffering and pain. Full disclosure
regarding the procedure is required. A patient must demonstrate that they have the capacity to
understand their decision and their application will be assessed by two medical practitioners.
The Bill will come into effect in 18 months and is currently awaiting assent.