The recent spate of suspected MDMA overdoses at the Hardmission event in Flemington, Victoria, resulting in eight individuals being placed in medically induced comas, has reignited the urgent need for nationwide pill-testing programs.
Comments from Lydia Shelly, President of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL):
"The NSW Council for Civil Liberties expresses deep sympathy and concern for the individuals affected by the recent suspected MDMA overdoses at the music festival in Melbourne. Our thoughts are with the affected individuals and their families during this challenging time."
"In light of the recent incidents in Victoria, we reiterate our call for the immediate implementation of pill testing in NSW. Pill testing is a crucial harm reduction measure that can save lives and prevent tragic incidents like those witnessed in Melbourne. The necessity for pill testing has once again been underscored by the critical condition of eight individuals following the music festival."
"The paramount aim of all government drug policy should be harm reduction. It is time to replace punitive drug policies with an evidence-based and rights-based approach. In NSW, we call on the government to end the punitive approach to policing at music festivals and other venues. This includes an immediate cessation of the use of drug detection dogs and the practice of strip searches."
"NSW Police search figures have shown an average drug dog detection success rate of just 25 per cent over the last decade, while deaths have been attributed to overdoses resulting from the fear of drug dog detection. A recent Law Enforcement Conduct Commission review also revealed that officers routinely failed to follow proper strip search procedures."
"In light of the recent incidents in Victoria, we reiterate our call for the immediate implementation of pill testing in NSW. Pill testing is a crucial harm reduction measure that can save lives and prevent tragic incidents like those witnessed in Melbourne. The necessity for pill testing has once again been underscored by the critical condition of eight individuals following the music festival."
"The NSWCCL maintains that these measures are not only necessary but require urgent action. We also hope that the government will consider even more significant steps in the longer term to address the complex issues surrounding drug use and festival safety."