Exclusive Sydney screening - "KillSwitch: the battle to control the Internet"

EFA's Sydney Chapter, in conjunction with the NSW Council for Civil Liberties presents an exclusive screening of the award-winning documentary, Killswitch: the battle to control the Internet.

The Internet is under attack. Free speech, innovation and democracy are all up for grabs.

In Killswitch: The Battle to Control the Internet, Lawrence Lessig, Tim Wu and Peter Ludlow frame the story of two young hactivists, Aaron Swartz & Edward Snowden, who symbolize the disruptive and dynamic nature of the Internet. Their lives parallel one another as they free information to millions on the Internet, putting them directly in the cross-hairs of the most powerful interests in the world.

TRAILER: Killswitch

Book your tickets through the EFA's website.

February 16, 2017 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Mitchell Theatre, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts
280 Pitt St
Sydney 2000
Google map and directions
Stephen Blanks Bruce McCabe

Will you come?