I prefer to donate or join NSWCCL offline.

I would prefer not to make an online or PayPal payment. Can I donate or join NSWCCL offline?


You can join or renew your membership offline by downloading the forms below and returning to us by post, fax or email with alternative payment. 

New membership form (pdf)
Renew membership form (pdf)

We can accept membership fees and other donations via cheque, money order, or EFT transfer. You can also pay via credit card over the phone or include your credit card details on the membership form.

You can post your cheque or money order made payable to 'NSW Council for Civil Liberties' to:

NSW Council for Civil Liberties
PO Box A1386
Sydney South NSW 1235

To arrange any other payment method, please call the office on (02) 8090 2952 and we will be happy to assist.

You can also fax your completed membership form to (02) 8580 4633 or email [email protected]