On July 18, Palestinian activist Sara Shaweesh was arrested at Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's electorate office in Marrickville. Shaweesh, who is a citizen and whose local member is the Prime Minister, has been part of a peaceful picket outside the office for almost six months, helping to initiate it.
The arrest occurred after she attempted to inquire about the denial of visas for her family members in Gaza. Police cited "trespass" as the reason for her arrest, confiscated her phone, and detained her at Newtown Police Station for more than three hours before charging her.
According to Senate Estimates, as of May 29, 4,614 Palestinian people from Gaza have had their visitor visas refused, while only 2,686 visas have been granted since October 7 last year.
Shaweesh’s bail conditions stipulate that she must stay 100 meters away from Albanese's office. She also received a letter from the Prime Minister’s office stating, “You do not have permission to enter the office of Anthony Albanese, including the curtilage of the premises.”
Amnesty International Australia’s spokesperson Mohamed Duar expressed alarm on July 19 over the criminal charges against Shaweesh and the denial of services to peaceful protesters. He described the situation as a “grave escalation in the government’s crackdown on the right to peaceful protest.”
Lydia Shelly, NSW Civil Liberties Council president, who represented Shaweesh, said Albanese’s notice to the vigil participants the protestors is “undemocratic”.
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