Disbanding Border Force



Stephen Blanks spoke to the resolution.

Resolution 7.3
i) The NSW Council for Civil Liberties condemns the creation of the Australian Border Force as misguided and dangerous. The para-military character and attendant secrecy of the Australian Border Force is a direct threat to open democracy, separation of powers and the rule of law in Australia. It should not be tolerated in a democracy.
ii) We call on the Turnbull Government to disband the Australian Border Force, return personnel to their former duties in the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and Department of Immigration and distribute any law enforcement powers to the Australian Federal Police who are subject to judicial oversight and the rule of law.
iii) Failing that, we call on the Labor Opposition to reconsider its support for this and commit
to take this action immediately on returning to Government.

Moved: Julian Brenziak/ Lesley Lynch: that resolution 7.3 be adopted: Carried.