The COPS database raises real issues about the rights of citizens and the duties of law enforcement officials in the State: What records about you should police be entitled to keep on their database? Should you be entitled to know what information about you has been recorded on it, or have it removed? And if the database is secure, does it even matter if there is information about you on it?
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties warmly invite you to the COPS Database Forum to hear from experts in the field regarding these issues and become involved in this pertinent discussion. The focus of the Forum will be on recent case law, including: actions to sue the NSW Police on the grounds that COPS database entries were defamatory; an application to have an (allegedly incorrect) entry on the database removed under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW); and a recent class action involving children being imprisoned because of incorrect entries on the COPS database.
Speakers will include Camilla Pandolfini, Senior Solicitor at the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, who was involved in the abovementioned class action, David Porter, Senior Solicitor at the Redfern Legal Centre, and Chris Watson, a criminal law barrister from Forbes Chambers The event will be chaired by Jackson Rogers, convenor of the Council’s Justice, Police & Mental Health Action Group
This event is FREE to the public, so come help shape the conversation around this issue.
*NB* you MUST RSVP below to ensure entry since spaces are limited!