Under the proposed laws, people travelling to terrorism hotspots could be jailed for five years; their passports could be seized for two week periods; while welfare, family payments and paid parental leave could be cancelled on security grounds.
Stephen Blanks, from the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties, says children could be the real victims.
"We have concerns about the provisions for secret cancellation of passports, or cancellation of passports without notice. There are some consequences of those provisions are likely to result in children being put into detention. Now that's a hot-button issue at the moment. One can expect that the way in which cancellation of passports and visas impacts on dependents will result in detention of children.
Mr Blanks is calling for a public interest monitor to oversee the proposed laws.
Listen now: Concerns raised over 'foreign fighter' laws
Source: SBS World News Radio, 6/10/2014