AAPP - Rally to support Bernard Collaery

The Alliance Against Political Prosecution (AAPP) are hosting a rally to support Bernard Collaery, who's prosecution is described as ‘one of mendacity, duplicity, fraud, criminal behaviour, invasions of legal professional privilege, contempt of court, denial of a fair trial and failure to act as a model litigant’ by retired judge and Director at the Centre for Public Integrity Stephen Charles. Show your support by attending the rally at 8.30am on the 16th of December at the ACT Courts, Knowles Pl, Canberra City.

See event info here

December 16, 2021 at 8:30am - 9:15am
ACT Courts, Knowles Pl, Canberra City.
Knowles Pl Canberra City
Canberra city, ACT 2601
Google map and directions