This year we welcome Don McKenzie, NSW Surveillance Devices Commissioner, as a guest speaker at our Annual General Meeting. Don has an extensive career spanning both Australia and the international stage, where he has dedicated himself to ensuring that governments and agencies uphold the highest standards of integrity. As a government solicitor, Don has worked with the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Royal Commission into the Police Service, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime in Botswana, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Myanmar. Since 2019, Don has served as the NSW Surveillance Devices Commissioner.
In his current role, Don plays a crucial part in overseeing the use of covert surveillance by law enforcement. He is notified whenever a warrant application is made for the use of bugging devices, where he reviews and negotiates the application before it is presented to an eligible judge. Don is vested with the authority to challenge any application he believes infringes inappropriately on individual rights or is not properly justified, safeguarding against the misuse of surveillance powers.
Don will share his insights on the further reforms he is advocating for, aimed at strengthening public trust by ensuring that police powers are exercised with the utmost accountability and respect for individual rights.
The 61st Annual General Meeting of the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL) will be held at 6pm on Wednesday 23th October 2024, in accordance with Article 29(1) of the Constitution and as approved by the Committee.
The AGM will be held in person at the Trade Union Training (TUT) room at Federation House (22-33 Mary St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010). There will also be an option to join electronically via Zoom video conferencing for those unable to attend in person. The procedure for voting at the AGM is set out below.
Join us to catch up on the activities of NSWCCL over the last year, participate in the election of the NSWCCL Executive and Committee for 2024-25, and vote on policy positions.
The procedure for voting at the AGM and all other motions to be considered are set out below in accordance with the 14-day constitutional notice period so that members are ready to vote and to do so in person or via the zoom meeting should they wish.
AGM Business
- Confirm the minutes of the 2023 AGM.
- Receive the Executive’s reports on the year’s activities and financial position.
- Appoint Auditor for the ensuing financial year.
- Financial members will discuss and decide on a number of proposed NSWCCL policies (details will be distributed in a later notice).
- Financial members will elect the new Committee and Executive members to run NSWCCL for 2024/25.
Join us in making these decisions.
(Note only financial members of the NSWCCL are able to vote on any of the above issues or additional issues).
Nomination for Committee and Executive positions
Nomination forms for Committee or Executive positions can be downloaded here. Nominees for Committee or Executive positions must have been financial members of NSWCCL for at least 3 months prior to the AGM. Nominations must be returned to the Secretary by 5pm 16 October 2024.
Registration information for Members in advance of the AGM:
- Members are invited to attend the AGM in person - however, if that is not possible, Members may attend the meeting electronically. Please register via RSVP below and you will be prompted to email [email protected] if you will be attending via zoom.
- Registration prior to the AGM is essential to protect the security of the meeting and validate your membership.
- If you request to attend via zoom, the link will be sent to you by the Executive Officer, please retain this as it will be required to enter the AGM.
On the day of the AGM:
- If you are attending via zoom, it is recommended that Members log-in 10 minutes prior to the start of the AGM to ensure Members can be verified and enter the AGM without delay. A moderator will grant entry into the AGM meeting from the ‘waiting room’ just prior to the commencement of the meeting.
- If you are attending in person please arrive a few minutes early so your name can be registered.
- Members are asked to enter their full name onto their zoom profile when logging into the meeting so that they may be appropriately addressed if the Member asks a question.
- Only Members are eligible to vote at the AGM.
- Technical support cannot be provided to individual Members during the AGM who are participating via zoom; any questions or testing must be facilitated prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Questions prior to the AGM can be directed to the Secretary, Timothy Roberts email: [email protected]
22-33 Mary St
Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Google map and directions