Gift a NSWCCL membership

Would you like to gift a NSWCCL membership to a friend, family member or colleague?

All you need to do is:

Step 1 Select the number of memberships you would like to gift and process your payment

Step 2 Respond to the email you receive with your gift membership recipient details - we need their name and email address

Step 3 That's it! We'll process the membership and let your gifted member know within the week, with any message you provide.

Please note: gifted memberships are only available for 1 year ordinary memberships.

Gift 1 membership - $70
Gift 2 memberships - $140
Gift 3 memberships - $210
Gift 4 memberships - $280
Gift 5 memberships - $350

Have a question, want to pay offline, or having trouble with your payment? Read the Donation FAQs or contact us

Contributions are not tax deductible.