CRYPTOPARTY - learn how to protect your data

If you're interested in learning how to protect your data, head along to this CRYPTOPARTY in Glebe on Saturday night with your digital devices (phone, laptop, USB sticks) to learn how to protect your privacy. With the data retention bill looking like it will pass with only minor amendments, this information is critical.

RSVPs and more information on The Greens website

Join Senator Scott Ludlam for a Sydney CryptoParty. 

Tonight we CryptoParty like it's 1984!

Hear about Abbott’s creepy plans for your data, and how we can take our power and privacy back through mad crypto skills we’ll teach you on the night. Everyone is welcome — no matter your technical knowledge, this is a party that supports privacy as a fundamental right.


18+ Event

BYO: USB sticks, laptops and phones.

March 21, 2015 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Roxbury Hotel
180-182 St John's Rd
Glebe, NSW 2037
Google map and directions
Senator Scott Ludlam, The Australian Greens